Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cute Moments with Grant [18 Nov 09]

That is a good opening to a blog, I think. Specially since, if Grant Doug hadn't been there, work would have pretty much sucked.

[I got the shaft 3 times today.] First off, I was scheduled yet again to work at 11am when that is also right as my class lets out... The opening manager knew this from the corrected schedule yet he did barely anything to help me get the concession stand open, then got agitated with me when we had to open a little late. Also he proceeded to tell me that two other employees (who are not managers) watched New Moon last night. Um, okay... Good for them but I am the biggest fan at work and the reason that 88% of our staff is now hooked on the movies and or books. Yes, I am that person at work. How am I supposed to react, huh? Thanks? And then later (much later, as in after I got off work) I got a text from another manager saying that I could not come in tonight to screen New Moon because our general manager said no.

And well since I did not get to see New Moon 24hrs early like last year with Twilight, I am here writing this blog... and that's ok, I guess. I prepared months ago to not get special treatment...


Doug truly was the reason I got through work in a good mood today.

It might sound crazy (or prude) that I got excited enough to Tweet about getting a hug from him, but as you might remember that some of the Catholic boys I know do dating fasts and I still don't know where Doug stands on this.

After a little Facebook stalking I found out a little more about this Catholic Cockblockers Club... (heh, it make be harsh but I thought is was funny) Well, they have a private Facebook group called E5 Men and it is listed on Doug's profile...
This is the groups public description: (take from it what you want)
As Men we are called to do more than idly sit back and watch the world around us crumble into darkness. We are called to warriors of the Light, filling ourselves with the light of Christ so that we may be given the strength to fight the evils of this world. This group is for those men who have heard the call and stand ready to do battle. E5 stands for Ephesians chapter 5, where God lays out what it truly means to be a man. Its challenging, its uncomfortable but most importantly its holy. So read E5 and submit yourselves to God's will to become men of God!

This group is the reason that I thought it was a big deal that I got a real hug from Doug after Ryan told be on Bear Awakening that as part of the the E5 process/path is to cut down on hugging female friends because it should be considered an intimate act saved for only girlfriends...

So with this in mind...

Before we officially opened our doors, Doug came downstairs with a pout on his face. He was upset that not only did he have to run the projectors in the booth but the boss' wanted him to build 2 prints of New Moon and 2 prints of The Blind Side during his shift. I think he was extra nervous to screw up since New Moon is on such a tight time crunch...

Well I took this as an opportunity to wish him luck and there is the cheesy act I performed and said:
"Well good luck today... This hug is for you." I followed those words up with crossing my arms over my chest hand 'blew' him a hug. That is when he came over to hug me... and still I made sure to give him a side hug and stick my boobs off in the other direction so they didn't touch him (which with my rack is no easy feat) but I think I was successful.

*Insert Swoon Here* I am a psycho.

He was upstairs for a while, starting movies and I wrote off seeing for the rest of the day since he has so much on his plate.

As the slow morning progressed, Dustin and I settled into a nice rhythm of selling the tickets and concessions to the few people who showed up at opening. Soon we were just plain dead and I sat on top of our ticket bucket with my back to the front doors and started to check my txts and Tweets, which of course having our phones is against policy... And here I am, on one hand trying to be a good lil employee so I can sneak preview New Moon but then also feeding my Twitter addiction.

I was all sorts of engrossed into whatever I was texting (probably a text to the friend who has offered to help me with my truck) when suddenly Dustin said something to someone that was standing behind me. I looked up to see if he was talking to me and turned my head and BAM there was a body right there in my peripheral vision.

By the time I realized it was just Doug, it was too late and I had already practically jumped out of my skin and made some sort of awkward gasping sound, immediately followed up by laughter.

Since I live my entire life in embarrassment, I loved this moment since it lightened the mood and broke the silence. The three of us started to talk movies and eventually ended up in a great discussion about rated R movies vs the Church! Why was it great? Well, grounded Grant thinks that the "grades" that the Church puts on movies is dumb and something to ignore. (YES!!!) It got a little touchy when he used the example that according to the linked website, The Hangover (a work favorite) was actually more morally offensive than Brokeback Mountain, which ovbi is pro-gay and the Church is not. My counter-argument was that whoever was responsible for rating Brokeback Mountain decided that just this once being anti-hate crimes was more important than being anti-gay.

This is one huge reason that I pine over Doug... The fact that we can have such opposing views, yet he completely respects what I have to say and my point of view (as I do with him). I want him for his amazing moral compass but also because he doesn't let people brainwash him into what he believes in.

In order to keep the conversation headed in a light direction (and a direction easier to flirt with) I noted Doug's face scruff and asked if he was doing "No Shave November."

Turns out he is partaking in NSN and this opened up the opportunity to slip in some of my relationship views... I felt sly because I was talking to Dustin about his personal preferred face-scaping and he brought up the fact that the girl he is currently most interested in really, really prefers a completely clean shaven face.

I was lovin this conversation, because in front of Doug I told Dustin: "Any girl worth dating is going to let you wear your facial hair the way you like it; she'll just strongly request that you keep it well kept and orderly." 

The hardest part of the beard convo was the fact this it brings attention to ones face... and all I could think about were Doug's lips. Beard'n'all. heh.

Personally, I do not like facial hair but if it is kept short, soft and even or styled then I don't mind.

But I'll let James Marsters explain kissing and facial hair: (you can skip ahead to 4:30 for my agreement, or 3:40 for just enough background for you to know what the panel question was)

 The only thing left to say about Doug from today is that I didn't see him again and when I was sent home early from work I text-ed him "Bye bye *smile*" with no reply.

Also, Dustin officially knows about my crushing on Doug since the day Doug was hired. It is nice to have a male at work who I trust not to throw me under the bus... I asked Dustin if I sounded silly or was too obvious and according to him, I am all good. heh.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I like Grant, he sounds cute. This dating fast is a lot more serious than I thought! I want to join their group haha! I think the Catholic church organizations may be even more absurd than the LDS! Anyway, I hope he's not on that stupid fast. Who can resist a good looking girl? And to be worried about a hug? Man! I hug everyone and I do not hold back pressing up against them! hehe secret weapon? Except last night when Conner wanted to hug me and I was all sweaty (not hot)

    Anyway, I hope he asks you out or something. I love crushes, so much fun.
